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My husband and I live amidst a large number of old things: old clocks, old silver, old china, old sofas, old bedroom suits, lots of old chairs and most of the photos and memory boxes of our parents and grandparents. As a teen, my daughter exclaimed, as she was trying to get a chest of drawers closed, “I am so tired of living back in the Victorian era!” However, for Randy and I, those old things wrap us in the warmth of memories of our parents, grandparents or great grandparents. Many of you may have lived with those treasures among you, too, and would often pull out a box of old photos and reminisce or glance at a piece of furniture when you were having a cup of coffee or tea and remembered a conversation with a family member while she was sitting there.

In this new year, 2022, I am hopeful that you will consider the University Woman’s Club as comforting as some of your cherished old things. Grab your trusty UWC Handbook and look at the pages featuring traditional offerings this semester: Newcomer’s Coffee, our Annual Meeting in March, the Spring Luncheon on April 22 at noon. Familiar groups that are able to continue virtually include BridgeBase online and two book clubs, one during the day and one at night. Wine tasting takes place safely in person. Our trip to the Eco- Institute at Pickard’s Mountain does not have a firm date yet. Our trip to a private garden that has been featured two times in the Chapel Hill Garden tour will take place in May. I believe I am already picturing some daffodils and we have yet to throw our first snowball!

Our Holiday Reception on December 7th, 2021 was a splendid way to end 2021. The attendance was high as were the spirits of members who were delighted to greet each other in person safely at this catered event. Our thanks go to Cecelia Mackey, chair, Patty Courtright, Linda Haac and Anne Montgomery for this successful event.

Your University Woman’s Club Board and I wish you a Happy, Safe New Year and look forward to a year with the familiar and the new in 2022.




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